About the Area

Cody, Wyoming is 52 miles from Yellowstone National Park, making it the perfect base camp for your vacation. Cody was founded by Colonel William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody in 1901. Cody is proud of its history and visitors can learn more at Cody’s Buffalo Bill museum.

Cody, Wyoming Activities for The Whole Family

During your trip to Cody, enjoy a wide variety of activities. You can’t miss Yellowstone, of course, but there are plenty of other options, too. For a taste of traditional Western culture, visit the Cody Rodeo. While you’re here, take a tour to view some of Wyoming’s amazing wildlife. Check out some great viewing spots and tips here. If you are looking for more adventure, book a whitewater rafting trip or take a backcountry horseback ride. When you’ve had enough for the day, visit one of Cody’s great restaurants!

Events All Year

Cody has several annual events for visitors and residents. Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day are big celebrations. If you are around for July 4th, don’t miss the Yellowstone Beer Fest the following day. In August, enjoy the Annual Wild West Balloon Festival. Even if you aren’t riding, watching the hot air balloons is a lot of fun! A few weeks later, take home a custom piece of Western art from the Annual Buffalo Bill Art Show & Sale. We are always happy to help you plan your Cody, Wyoming activities.